Saturday, November 3, 2012

TeamPeck in Peru

Great things to report- God is good. 
  • We played and loved on the children and staff of New Life Children's Home. 
  • We went to the nearby town where a church was planted six months ago and met the Peruvian pastor and his wife. 
  • The team all had the opportunity to pass out Gospel tracts and invite children and their families to a Bible club at the church. 
  • Yolanda and Scott's dad, Ken, prayed for a crippled woman and led her to the Lord! 
  • We hiked through 900 year old Incan ruins. 
  • Scott is a wonderful, godly leader. 
  • God is good- enjoy the pictures in the link below.  
FBCBF Team Peru 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Would you be satisfied if your epitaph read:  “Joe was devoted husband, loving father, and excellent professional”?  Respectable yes, but I have to admit this wouldn't be enough for me.  You, Joe, and I were designed to be so much more.

I believe destiny is a unique calling based on ones spiritual gifts, natural talents, acquired skills, and vision to use them to glorify God and serve other people.  It is one’s preordained future that is revealed by God to man over the course of his life.  Most often, ones inner realizable purpose for life is an exercise of deliberate and incremental discovery-learning.  A calling is distinct, a description of WHAT one does. 

When asked to describe themselves, most men answer, “I am a professional X.”  A man’s identity is tied to WHAT they do.  WHAT, however, is much less important than WHO one is or HOW one lives.  WHO we are has more to do with WHOSE we are.  As for me, I am foremost an adopted son of the God of all creation, made so by the sacrifice of His son, Jesus.  Being a husband, father, son, brother, friend, co-worker, neighbor, and American are secondary.  Yet, of lesser importance than WHO, is HOW I live – with honor toward people and professional excellence.  WHAT, then, is of third importance.  WHO, HOW, and WHAT – in that order of precedence.  Destiny is the God-weaving of these parts according to His design.  The whole being greater than the sum of its parts.  The three in concert, in-tune with the Conductor, is the masterpiece of His design. 

What would be enough for me?  “Scott was an instrument, fashioned by and in-tune with God, and a pleasant contributor in His orchestra.”  Given this high goal, excuse me while I go practice…

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Behind the Scenes

Here's a great reminder of why eMi exists from one of the ministries eMi serves in Africa.

"It really is amazing to me that a group like eMi exists – providing high level expertise at their own cost to help African church and mission ministries with critical infrastructure issues.  Ministries like AIC Kijabe Hospital, where we currently serve, and Mukinge Hospital ECZ in Zambia where we previously were based, could never afford the engineering and architectural consultations that a group like eMi provides.   Having that level of high level expertise is one of the key pieces of the puzzle needed for us in the African church as we provide vibrant gospel ministry.  Many thanks to you and all the team who give back the gifts you have been given to provide this incredibly valuable support for the kingdom of Christ around the world!"  
Stephen Letchford, MD FACP FAAP

Medical Director

This is especially meaningful to me as an administrative support member.  In many organizations, including churches and other Christian non profits, administration is often viewed as a necessary evil.  However, I have come to learn by experience that administration is sacred.  It is one of the spiritual gifts that Paul lists in 1 Cor. 12:28.  It is the detailed and behind the scenes work that enables God's kingdom work in our churches locally and to the ends of the earth.  I take great joy in testimonies like these from our ministry partners that we are enabling the spread of the Gospel around the world.  I am also thankful for behind the scenes people who are obedient in their giving.  They may never have the opportunity to go or to be involved in direct ministry but they are faithful through their generosity and their giving bears much fruit.  

Friday, August 3, 2012


Support-raising conjures up uneasiness; it is synonymous for asking friends for money.  Whether you’re raising financial support for your participation in a ministry God has called you, or you are on the receiving end of a support-raising solicitation, it’s just plain uncomfortable. 

Since April 2012, we have been support-raising to join Engineering Ministries International in January 2013.  And to be honest, it’s been great!  Contrary to the American value of self-reliance, dependence on God for our provision is a welcome adventure.  Providence has proven abundant through the obedience and generosity of my family, friends, and church.  But of course it hasn’t been without its challenges.  But for reasons other than I had assumed. 

Initially I struggled with the idea of seeking financial contributions to support my lifestyle in Colorado Springs.  It is more palatable to give to a missionary serving on the foreign field than a ministry based in Colorado Springs – the faith-based, non-profit capital of the U.S.  Then I considered an alternative perspective:  U.S. churches and ministries are in a unique position to serve the poor and un-reached overseas through enablement of in-country ministries.  Unashamedly, EMI mobilizes engineers, architects, surveyors, and construction managers who volunteer their services to design for national ministries living among the extreme poor to provide for their physical and spiritual needs.  EMI is an enabling ministry.  As EMI’s headquarters office administrator and disaster response director, Jennifer and I are investing our lives to serve as enablers to the Body of Christ.  This represents a Kingdom investment opportunity to others.  Humiliation absolved.

We refer to our family as TeamPeck to inspire unity of purpose in our marriage and to instill value of family loyalty in our children.  Accordingly we don’t call this endeavor support-raising; we call it team building.  This implies we are seeking to raise up folks to stand with us in ministry, not merely behind us financially.  It means relationship, communication and mutual-prayer.  Our team serves as our share holders; thus it also means stewardship accountability.  Not only are we accountable to them for fiscal management and moral behavior, but also for mission focus, diligence, even performance.  This is a joint venture in which we share unity of purpose with our co-investors (team members).  In this way, TeamPeck will sustain.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Team Building

10th Special Forces Group 60th Anniversary Ball
    Recently, Scott and I attended our last military ball.   It was a  realization that after 21 years our military service is coming to an end.  As one chapter closes another one opens and so our hearts for service, missions, duty and family will continue as we look forward to this next season.  

     We’ve been actively engaged in building our ministry team the past couple months and it’s been a joy to meet with friends and family to share our story of where we’ve been, where we’re headed and what it’s going to take to get there.  It's great to know that God has been a part of our story all along and He is faithful to lead us as we walk by faith and not by sight.   

      Team building report:  Your commitment to our family and our work with Engineering Ministries International – to offer hope to the poorest of the poor – is humbling and encouraging.  Praise!  We have had a positive response from everyone with whom we’ve shared our new venture.  Yet we have to increase the number of folks to share with if we are to launch in January as planned.  Managing our busy lives has proven to be our biggest challenge.  Pray that we would be more proactive in making appointments and following-up.  Your challenge will serve us well; so as often as you pray, hold us accountable.  June 29—July 9, we’ll be in Northern California meeting with friends and churches.  If you would like to arrange a meeting for us with your friends, family or church, please let us know.
Derek's Graduation May 2012

For His Glory,

Scott and Jennifer

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What's your default setting?

Recently, I found an iPod I misplaced.  It’s an older model yet I was hopeful to get it working again.  There were two things I had to do immediately.  First, I had to find the ever elusive USB cable.  We have a half dozen of these around the house but they never seem to be around when you need them.  After finding the cable it had to be connected to a power source.  Once the battery was fully charged I had to reset the iPod to its default settings to get it to run properly.  The default setting is a return to the original manufacturer design.  The iPod is now fully functioning in the capacity it was created for. 
The interesting thing as I reflect on this is how I also long to fully function in the capacity I was created for.  So often I fill like the lost iPod- out of place and out of power.  Yet, the same things which restored my iPod can restore me as well.  I need to connect to my power source on a regular basis.  God created me to be in relationship with Him; “apart from me you can do nothing” –John 15:5.  I also need to be restored to my manufacturer settings.  God wants my default setting to be Him; to rely on Him and respond to every circumstance in life out of the new nature He has given me.  “He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.” -2 Corinthians 5:15.  Unfortunately, my default setting more often than not is to live for myself.  When the pressures of life come I revert to this tendency for self preservation.  I am so thankful that God seeks me out relentlessly and when He finds me He resets me to His default settings so that I can live for Him. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

De oppresso liber

"Designing a world of hope for a world in need" is not merely a catch phrase; it is EMI’s vision and reason for being. Isaiah prophesied, "If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness… you will be called repairer of broken walls, restorer of streets with dwellings" (Isaiah 58:10, 12)

Why EMI focuses on the extreme poor of the developing world is unapologetically simply; extreme poverty is the principle condition for people to fall victim to exploitation and become subjects of political, religious, or physical oppression. Extreme poverty is caused or exasperated by criminal activity, economic hardship, government corruption, social disruption, political instability, armed conflict and natural disasters. Just as the international community – governments and private humanitarian organizations – respond to counter the effects of these, so do evil perpetrators. We labor not in vain; eradicating extreme poverty is a very real possibility in our generation. As we go about daily designing a world of hope for a world in need, in partnership with ministries bringing the Gospel to the poorest and least reached peoples on earth, EMI directly contributes to the eradication of extreme poverty and reducing the risk of exploitation of the most venerable – women and children – in developing countries.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Who are YOU?

Jason Gray's song, "Remind Me Who I Am",  has resonated with me recently.  The message and  video are simple yet profound as it shows the struggles we have in embracing our identity in Christ.  The way we view ourselves does not define us.  It certainly shapes and influences us but we are truly defined by the one who made us- God.  We live in a world where our identity is found in what we do- our jobs, activities, successes.  What a freedom and comfort in knowing that our identity in Christ is secure not based on anything we've done but on what He has done for us.

Titus 3:4-5: "But—when God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit."

Monday, February 6, 2012

Breaking New Ground

I am married to a trailblazer.  Scott and I went snowshoeing this past weekend at Castlewood Canyon.  It was a gorgeous day and a reminder of why we love living in Colorado.  We had the entire park to ourselves with miles of freshly fallen snow just waiting to be broken in.  There's just something about the uncharted path that beckons us to dive in.  M.Scott Peck wrote about it in his book, The Road Less Traveled,
 "If we know exactly where we're going, exactly how to get there, and exactly what we'll see along the way, we won't learn anything." 

There's so much to learn when breaking new ground.  I have a lot to learn about following Scott as he blazes new trails for us.  I cannot always see what lies ahead- how deep is the snow? What about the rocks and streams?  Does he really know where he's going?  But as I follow he leads me into beautiful surroundings I would never have seen.  God is the ultimate trailblazer.  He beckons us to follow Him when we cannot see what lies ahead.  Yet, He promises to always go before us.  "And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you.  He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed." -Deuteronomy 31:8

As we enter this season of transition with retirement from the Army ahead of us and the start of a new career I am so thankful that not only am I married to a trailblazer; but I am married to one who follows the God who created us and has good plans for us.  

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Big Decision

Inspired by several short-term missions over the past twenty years, our desire has grown to serve as full-time cross-cultural missionaries, to take the Good News to the unreached.  But God, in His perfect wisdom, commissioned us to serve in the U.S. Army.  We have been shaped by the military culture and are grateful for the opportunities the Army has given our family.  We have travelled the world living and serving among diverse cultures and people.  The Army has been God’s provision for our family’s livelihood, a unique place to learn and practice practical life ministry, and more importantly a challenging environment to grow in godly character; we are motivated more by obedience and mission accomplishment than personal preference. 

In 2008 we were introduced to Engineering Ministries International – a non-profit, Christian relief and development organization who mobilize design professionals to serve the spiritually and physically poor in developing nations, to lift them from poverty to hope.  Since late 2008 Jennifer has served as the Administrator in their world headquarters here in Colorado Springs. 

Scott deployed with EMI’s first Disaster Response Team to the epicenter of Haiti’s devastating earthquake in January 2010.  There he discovered a unique application of his military experience.  While the volunteer engineers provided water, sanitation, and structural assessments, Scott served to provide for the team:  transportation, fuel, food, water, shelter, communications, and physical security.  In so doing, he witnessed the impact of disaster response as a ministry to the poor and those in great need.  The engineers’ practical help gave the team an otherwise un-open door to further minister to the Haitians’ spiritual needs through encouragement, prayer, and even discipleship.

Last summer EMI asked Scott to consider the position of Disaster Response Director, to advance the program’s vision to anticipate, assess, and respond to unmet needs of the poor within days of any disaster worldwide with fully equipped EMI response teams trained in disaster assessment and technical consulting.  After a great deal of prayerful consideration he has applied and anticipates assuming the position after retiring from the Army in January 2013.  Given God’s grace, he hopes to grow and manage the program by integrating Disaster Response with existing EMI operations and future initiatives.  We also look forward to working together at EMI’s headquarters.  This new chapter is a welcome turn in our journey.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Who Is TeamPeck?

T ruth- What God says in His word is true and meant to be obeyed.
“If you love me, you will obey what I command.” –John 14:15

E ncouragement- Life is hard so we strive to breathe life and laughter into one another and those along our path. 
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.” -1 Thessalonians 5:11

A cceptance- The greatest demonstration of following Christ is loving and accepting one another without condition.
“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.”
-Romans 15:7

M ission- God created us to know Him and make Him known beginning right where we are and then to all the world, giving glory to Him. 
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” –Matthew 28:19

There are 5 members of TeamPeck; each designed by God and created to fit together as a Team.  Our head coach is the Lord Jesus Christ and Scott Peck is the Team Captain.  It can feel as though we lose more times than we win but ultimately we know our victory is assured. 
“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” -1 Corinthians 15:57

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Unconventional Wisdom

I have attained the American Dream – profitable profession, large comfortable house in a suburb in a conservative town, respectable kids in college and private school, solid marriage of 20 years, three cars and a motorcycle, time share to vacation with friends and family, position in the church – all things to make us safe, secure, successful, stable, comfortable, convenient, prosperous, and happy.  Yet where is contentment, joy and fulfillment?  I have concluded the American Dream is after all The Great Myth It was unknowingly woven into our national ideal by our founding Fathers:  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  Disappointingly, you won't find these virtuous "rights" in God's Word.