Sunday, April 8, 2012

De oppresso liber

"Designing a world of hope for a world in need" is not merely a catch phrase; it is EMI’s vision and reason for being. Isaiah prophesied, "If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness… you will be called repairer of broken walls, restorer of streets with dwellings" (Isaiah 58:10, 12)

Why EMI focuses on the extreme poor of the developing world is unapologetically simply; extreme poverty is the principle condition for people to fall victim to exploitation and become subjects of political, religious, or physical oppression. Extreme poverty is caused or exasperated by criminal activity, economic hardship, government corruption, social disruption, political instability, armed conflict and natural disasters. Just as the international community – governments and private humanitarian organizations – respond to counter the effects of these, so do evil perpetrators. We labor not in vain; eradicating extreme poverty is a very real possibility in our generation. As we go about daily designing a world of hope for a world in need, in partnership with ministries bringing the Gospel to the poorest and least reached peoples on earth, EMI directly contributes to the eradication of extreme poverty and reducing the risk of exploitation of the most venerable – women and children – in developing countries.