Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What's your default setting?

Recently, I found an iPod I misplaced.  It’s an older model yet I was hopeful to get it working again.  There were two things I had to do immediately.  First, I had to find the ever elusive USB cable.  We have a half dozen of these around the house but they never seem to be around when you need them.  After finding the cable it had to be connected to a power source.  Once the battery was fully charged I had to reset the iPod to its default settings to get it to run properly.  The default setting is a return to the original manufacturer design.  The iPod is now fully functioning in the capacity it was created for. 
The interesting thing as I reflect on this is how I also long to fully function in the capacity I was created for.  So often I fill like the lost iPod- out of place and out of power.  Yet, the same things which restored my iPod can restore me as well.  I need to connect to my power source on a regular basis.  God created me to be in relationship with Him; “apart from me you can do nothing” –John 15:5.  I also need to be restored to my manufacturer settings.  God wants my default setting to be Him; to rely on Him and respond to every circumstance in life out of the new nature He has given me.  “He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.” -2 Corinthians 5:15.  Unfortunately, my default setting more often than not is to live for myself.  When the pressures of life come I revert to this tendency for self preservation.  I am so thankful that God seeks me out relentlessly and when He finds me He resets me to His default settings so that I can live for Him.