Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Team Building

10th Special Forces Group 60th Anniversary Ball
    Recently, Scott and I attended our last military ball.   It was a  realization that after 21 years our military service is coming to an end.  As one chapter closes another one opens and so our hearts for service, missions, duty and family will continue as we look forward to this next season.  

     We’ve been actively engaged in building our ministry team the past couple months and it’s been a joy to meet with friends and family to share our story of where we’ve been, where we’re headed and what it’s going to take to get there.  It's great to know that God has been a part of our story all along and He is faithful to lead us as we walk by faith and not by sight.   

      Team building report:  Your commitment to our family and our work with Engineering Ministries International – to offer hope to the poorest of the poor – is humbling and encouraging.  Praise!  We have had a positive response from everyone with whom we’ve shared our new venture.  Yet we have to increase the number of folks to share with if we are to launch in January as planned.  Managing our busy lives has proven to be our biggest challenge.  Pray that we would be more proactive in making appointments and following-up.  Your challenge will serve us well; so as often as you pray, hold us accountable.  June 29—July 9, we’ll be in Northern California meeting with friends and churches.  If you would like to arrange a meeting for us with your friends, family or church, please let us know.
Derek's Graduation May 2012

For His Glory,

Scott and Jennifer