Friday, August 3, 2012


Support-raising conjures up uneasiness; it is synonymous for asking friends for money.  Whether you’re raising financial support for your participation in a ministry God has called you, or you are on the receiving end of a support-raising solicitation, it’s just plain uncomfortable. 

Since April 2012, we have been support-raising to join Engineering Ministries International in January 2013.  And to be honest, it’s been great!  Contrary to the American value of self-reliance, dependence on God for our provision is a welcome adventure.  Providence has proven abundant through the obedience and generosity of my family, friends, and church.  But of course it hasn’t been without its challenges.  But for reasons other than I had assumed. 

Initially I struggled with the idea of seeking financial contributions to support my lifestyle in Colorado Springs.  It is more palatable to give to a missionary serving on the foreign field than a ministry based in Colorado Springs – the faith-based, non-profit capital of the U.S.  Then I considered an alternative perspective:  U.S. churches and ministries are in a unique position to serve the poor and un-reached overseas through enablement of in-country ministries.  Unashamedly, EMI mobilizes engineers, architects, surveyors, and construction managers who volunteer their services to design for national ministries living among the extreme poor to provide for their physical and spiritual needs.  EMI is an enabling ministry.  As EMI’s headquarters office administrator and disaster response director, Jennifer and I are investing our lives to serve as enablers to the Body of Christ.  This represents a Kingdom investment opportunity to others.  Humiliation absolved.

We refer to our family as TeamPeck to inspire unity of purpose in our marriage and to instill value of family loyalty in our children.  Accordingly we don’t call this endeavor support-raising; we call it team building.  This implies we are seeking to raise up folks to stand with us in ministry, not merely behind us financially.  It means relationship, communication and mutual-prayer.  Our team serves as our share holders; thus it also means stewardship accountability.  Not only are we accountable to them for fiscal management and moral behavior, but also for mission focus, diligence, even performance.  This is a joint venture in which we share unity of purpose with our co-investors (team members).  In this way, TeamPeck will sustain.