Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Stretched.  If one word could describe life right now that's it.  It's a place where my fear and faith meet and I'm forced to trust God for everything.  I feel like Helen Parr aka Elastigirl from one of my favorite movies The Incredibles.  Check out this link.  Elastigirl

I can so relate to Elastigirl's tension of balancing her mission and her family.  The reality is they are one in the same not opposing forces in our lives.  The challenge of being a mom is realizing that the goal of life is not balance and perfection but excellence and grace.  I certainly have no illusions of being some sort of super hero missionary mom.  There are bills to pay, dentists appointments, practice schedules, grocery menus and the list goes on and on, yet one thing remains that keeps me anchored, "God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful." -1 Thessalinians 5:24

Thank you for praying for Scott in the Philippines serving those communities still recovering from the devastating effects of Typhoon Haiyan. He returns home this week and will continue to mobilize additional teams of disaster relief engineers.  We also seek prayer as I head to Cambodia with an EMI design team. We will be serving a ministry- TransformAsia- and masterplan the largest Christian university in the country. While the engineers and architects are doing the technical design I will have opportunity to serve the logistical needs of the team as well as minister to girls (ages 12-17) who have been rescued out of sex trafficking through a Women's Center run by the ministry.  This trip is very much stretching me as I trust God to take care of my family and empower me to be on mission for Him.