Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Diving In

March marks one year since Scott was appointed as the Disaster Response Director for Engineering Ministries International (EMI); and what a year it has been!  Most of you are aware of the many transitions our family experienced:
  • 20 years of marriage
  • Derek's graduation from high school
  • Scott's retirement from the army after 27 years
We are so thankful for God's faithfulness during this time.  Scott has started working at EMI part-time and continues to follow up with opportunities in building our prayer and financial support team.  He hopes to be fully funded and working full-time by April.  Recently, we surpassed the 60% mark of our support goal and are trusting God and His timing for our remaining needs.  We value your prayers for open doors and are grateful for your partnership with us.

Scott is diving in with his role as the Disaster Response Director.  He is mobilizing a technical team of engineers for a Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) project, in partnership with World Concern a collaboration with several communities in North-West Haiti to identify disaster vulnerabilities and community assets solutions to mitigate significant risks of coastal, river and storm-water erosion.  While statistics are scarce on the number of lives that can be saved with adequate prevention and mitigation efforts, it is estimated that every dollar spent on DRR saves $5-$10 in economic losses from disasters. 

Jennifer's role at EMI continues to grow as she meets the needs of our staff around the globe through administrative support. She also serves on the women's leadership team at our church and leads an evening Bible study.  As missions pastor Scott will help prepare and send a team to Alaska in June.  He is also taking a seminary course in missionolgy. The kids are in the full swing of college and high school life.  We still have 3 teenagers at home but in March we'll be down to 2 teens as Sarah will turn 20! 

Life continues to fly by at lightening pace and through it all we recognize how good God is and how much we appreciate our family and friends; we couldn't do this without you. 

Grace and Peace from EMI Colorado Springs,  TeamPeck

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