Saturday, July 20, 2013

Beauty from Ashes

     As the Disaster Response Director for Engineering Ministries International; Scott is involved with monitoring disasters around the world and being ready to quickly respond by mobilizing a team of  trained engineers.  Little did we know that on June 11, 2013, Scott would be actively engaged with disaster response in our own community.  On that unforgettable day just a few miles and minutes from our home a wildfire raged out of control in Black Forest and destroyed over 500 homes and 13000 acres.  Our church, First Baptist of Black Forest, was immediately thrust into disaster response and ministry.  As a church staff member, Scott, along with the rest of the staff worked tirelessly to ensure our church and community members were accounted for.  Not only were we responding to the needs of our church, we were also responding to the needs of our eMi staff as Scott's boss' home was in danger and his family had to find a place for evacuation.  While we were relocating his boss' family , Scott received a call from his brother in Black Forest that he needed to evacuate.  So Scott's brother and family  moved in with us for a few days. 
     After the firestorm ravaged Black Forest the impact on our church is huge with over 20 families completely losing their homes and many more displaced due to property and smoke damage.  Scott's boss' home was miraculously saved though heroic firefighting efforts after having caught on fire; however they sustained severe smoke damage and will be displaced for several months.  Through these tragic circumstances we have witnessed God's grace and seen beauty emerge from the ashes. Scott had the privilege of accompanying 2 families back to their lots with nothing but ash left of their homes.  The reality of walking with people who have lost everything "yet have lost nothing" as one family shared is truly humbling.  Please pray for us and our community as the recovery efforts will be a long term process.  We praise God for the many ways the local body of Christ has reached out to engage hurting people by meeting real physical and spiritual needs.  Thank you for your partnership with TeamPeck enabling us to respond to disasters both at home and abroad. 

"to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair." 
-Isaiah 61:3

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